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One out of two Japanese is stressed in the gut!

A survey of 600 people shows that one out of two Japanese people feel stress in their intestines.

Stress is often cited as one of the factors in the development of ulcerative colitis, and it would seem that we living in today’s stressful environment are more likely to develop ulcerative colitis.

Also, the quoted article includes a checklist of items to be checked, but “bad posture such as hunching over” is also a stress to the intestines. This is the first time I have heard of this. I also have a bad posture with a hunchback, so I would like to pay attention to it.

The following is a quotation.

One out of two people are under intestinal stress, but what causes it?

When we hear the word “stress,” we have an image of “stomach ache,” but how much effect does it have on the “intestines? A survey by the food company Shiomizuiko Sugar Co., Ltd. found that 45.0% of the respondents answered that their “life is inclined toward stress intestines*” (4-8 items).


Stressed bowel refers to a situation in which the peristalsis of the intestines is easily suppressed.

In addition, 3.5% of the respondents had “stressed intestines” (9-13) and 51.5% had “healthy intestines” (0-3). Although stress on the gut is not well known, the total number of people with stressed gut or leaning toward stressed gut is 48.5%, or about half of the respondents. Stress on the gut is not something to be taken lightly. It is necessary to pay attention to intestinal stress on a daily basis and take some countermeasures” (Shiomizuiko Sugar Refining Co., Ltd.).


The most common factor causing stress on the intestines was “not getting enough exercise” (59.2%), followed by “having a bad posture, such as a hunched back” (35.3%), “sleeping less than 6 hours a day” (34.2%), and “eating a lot of fish and meat” (31.7%). Other notable responses were “Stressful workplace” (26.8%) and “Sometimes I have to hold it in when I need to go to the bathroom” (19.2%).


Symptoms of stress

The most common symptom of stress was “insomnia” (49.8%), followed by “overeating” (36.6%). This was followed by “overeating” (36.6%), “gastrointestinal pain” (33.6%), “rough skin” (22.7%), “diarrhea” (19.5%), “loss of appetite” (15.6%), “constipation” (14.3%) and “hair loss” (7.6%). By gender, “insomnia” was No. 1 for both men and women, but “stomach and other pains” was No. 2 for men, and “overeating” was No. 2 for women.

[What do you do to relieve stress?

61.3% of respondents answered “nothing in particular. Those who answered that they “do (something)” were notable for opinions such as “playing sports or other physical activities,” “listening to music or watching movies,” and “going shopping.

Source: ITmedia


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